Private Practice Section, APTA

Do you have problems getting paid for Medicare patients because they’ve received home health services? Do you ask your Medicare patients if they’ve received home healthcare and get told “no”, only to find out later the answer was “yes” when you were denied payment? You are not alone! We’ve heard from private practitioners over the years about this issue, and now we’d like to collect some data about the scope of this problem to try to address it. 

If this has been an issue for you, if you have received a Medicare initial denial of payment, or been asked to refund payment, because the Medicare patient was in a home health episode of care in the past two years, please do one or both of the following by June 29:

  1. Fill out the survey at
  2. Send in your stories to the PPS Lobbyist Alpha Lillstrom Cheng ( to help us illuminate the issue for policy makers. In your submission, please tell us how you checked to see if the patient had received (or was receiving) home healthcare services prior to delivering your therapy services, whether or not your appeals of denials or refunds were successful, and what best practices you have used in order to avoid this issue.

Thank you for helping us fight for you.